A Deep Dive into Offsec’s EXP-301: Windows User Mode Exploit Development (OSED) Certification

Offensive Security’s EXP-301 course, Windows User Mode Exploit Development (OSED), is a comprehensive training program designed to teach advanced techniques for developing exploits targeting Windows applications. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what the course covers, who it’s intended for, and what you can expect to learn.

Course Overview

Course Objectives: EXP-301 focuses on teaching students how to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in Windows applications running in user mode. The course covers a wide range of topics, including stack-based buffer overflows, SEH overwrites, format string vulnerabilities, and more.

Course Structure: EXP-301 is a self-paced online course that consists of video lectures, hands-on labs, and practical exercises. The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a specific vulnerability type or exploitation technique.

Skills Developed: By the end of the course, students will have developed advanced skills in exploit development for Windows applications. They will learn how to analyze binary applications, identify vulnerabilities, develop reliable exploits, and bypass common exploit mitigation techniques.

Who Should Take EXP-301?

EXP-301 is designed for experienced penetration testers, security researchers, and software developers who want to deepen their understanding of Windows exploit development. The course is ideal for individuals who already have a solid foundation in exploit development and want to take their skills to the next level.

Course Topics

EXP-301 covers a wide range of topics related to Windows exploit development, including:

  • WinDbg tutorial
  • Stack buffer overflows
  • Exploiting SEH overflows
  • Intro to IDA Pro
  • Overcoming space restrictions: Egghunters
  • Shellcode from scratch
  • Reverse-engineering bugs
  • Stack overflows and DEP/ASLR bypass
  • Format string specifier attacks
  • Custom ROP chains and ROP payload decoders

Benefits of EXP-301

Taking the EXP-301 course offers several benefits, including:

  • Advanced skills in Windows exploit development
  • In-depth understanding of Windows internals and debugging techniques
  • Ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in Windows applications
  • Hands-on experience with real-world exploitation scenarios
  • Preparation for Offensive Security’s OSEE certification exam

Offensive Security’s EXP-301 course, Windows User Mode Exploit Development (OSED), is an advanced training program that provides valuable skills and knowledge for anyone interested in Windows exploit development. Whether you’re a seasoned penetration tester or a security enthusiast looking to expand your skill set, EXP-301 offers a comprehensive and practical approach to mastering the art of exploit development for Windows applications. Interested in the material? Contact us!