Defending Against Business Email Compromise: SOC Best Practices

Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks continue to be a significant threat to organizations, with cybercriminals using social engineering tactics to deceive employees and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information and financial assets. Security Operations Centers (SOCs) play a crucial role in defending against BEC attacks by implementing best practices and leveraging advanced technologies. In this blog post, we’ll discuss SOC best practices for defending against BEC attacks, with a focus on SafeNet’s SOC solutions.

Employee Training and Awareness

One of the most effective ways to defend against BEC attacks is to educate employees about the risks and tactics used by cybercriminals. SOC teams can work with HR and training departments to develop cybersecurity awareness programs that teach employees how to recognize phishing emails, verify the authenticity of email requests, and report suspicious activity. SafeNet’s SOC solutions include training and awareness resources to help organizations educate their employees about BEC attacks.

Email Authentication and Filtering

Implementing email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC can help verify the authenticity of incoming emails and detect spoofed or fraudulent messages. SOC teams can also use email filtering technologies to block known malicious domains and prevent phishing emails from reaching employees’ inboxes. SafeNet’s SOC solutions include email authentication and filtering capabilities to help organizations defend against BEC attacks.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implementing MFA for email and other critical systems can help prevent unauthorized access in the event that an employee’s credentials are compromised. SOC teams can work with IT departments to enable MFA for email accounts and other sensitive systems, reducing the risk of BEC attacks. SafeNet’s SOC solutions include MFA capabilities to help organizations enhance their cybersecurity posture.

Incident Response and Threat Intelligence

Having a robust incident response plan in place is essential for quickly detecting and mitigating BEC attacks. SOC teams can use threat intelligence feeds to stay informed about the latest BEC tactics and trends, enabling them to proactively defend against emerging threats. SafeNet’s SOC solutions include incident response and threat intelligence capabilities to help organizations defend against BEC attacks.

BEC attacks pose a significant threat to organizations, but by implementing SOC best practices and leveraging advanced technologies, organizations can defend against these attacks and protect their sensitive information and financial assets. SafeNet’s SOC solutions include a range of capabilities to help organizations defend against BEC attacks, including employee training and awareness, email authentication and filtering, MFA, and incident response and threat intelligence. By partnering with SafeNet, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture and defend against the ever-evolving threat landscape.