FBI Disrupts International Ransomware Group Targeting Small to Mid-Sized Businesses

In a significant victory against cybercrime, the FBI’s Cleveland office announced the successful disruption of an international ransomware group known as Radar/Dispossessor. This group, active since August 2023, targeted at least 43 businesses across 13 countries, employing a dual-extortion model to maximize their criminal gains.

Overview of Radar/Dispossessor: Radar/Dispossessor used a sophisticated ransomware strategy that not only encrypted victims’ data but also exfiltrated it, allowing the group to further extort their targets by threatening to release or destroy the stolen information. The group specifically targeted vulnerable systems lacking strong password protection or two-factor authentication, exploiting these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access.

Tactics and Impact: Once access was gained, the group would contact victims through phone calls or emails, presenting them with stolen data in an effort to increase the pressure to pay the ransom. Victims were shown a website that would leak their data unless the ransom was paid before a set countdown expired. This tactic, known as “double extortion,” has become increasingly common among ransomware groups, as it doubles the leverage against victims.

FBI’s Action and International Collaboration: The FBI, in collaboration with international law enforcement agencies, dismantled the group’s network, which spanned multiple countries, including the U.S., the U.K., and Germany. This operation involved the takedown of servers and domains used by the group to carry out their attacks.

The takedown of Radar/Dispossessor is a significant step in the fight against ransomware, but the threat persists as cybercriminals continue to evolve their tactics. Businesses are urged to implement robust cybersecurity measures, including strong passwords and multi-factor authentication, to protect themselves from similar threats. The FBI continues to encourage anyone with information about ransomware activities to report it to their Internet Crime Complaint Center. If you have any questions or queries contact us today!