Navigating the EU Digital Markets Act: What Businesses Need to Know

Tomorrow, 17 February 2024, marks a significant milestone for businesses operating in the European Union as the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) update comes into effect. The DMA represents a major overhaul of the digital regulatory landscape, aimed at promoting competition, enhancing consumer choice, and fostering innovation. In this article, we’ll explore the key changes introduced by the DMA and how businesses can prepare for compliance.
Understanding the EU Digital Markets Act
The EU Digital Markets Act is a regulatory framework that targets large online platforms, known as gatekeepers, that have a significant impact on the digital economy. The DMA aims to address issues such as unfair competition, lack of transparency, and data misuse by imposing a set of obligations on these gatekeepers. As of Tomorrow, 17 February 2024 these will also effect the intermediary service providers.
Key Changes Introduced by the DMA

  1. Obligations for Gatekeepers: The DMA imposes a series of obligations on gatekeepers, including the prohibition of certain unfair practices such as self-preferencing and the requirement to provide access to certain data to competitors. Allow third parties to inter-operate with the gatekeeper’s services.
  2.  Transparency and Accountability: Gatekeepers are required to be more transparent about their algorithms, data practices, and ranking mechanisms, allowing for greater scrutiny and accountability. For example if the use of gender and race targeted advertisement is found to be used by one of the companies they are to fully held accountable as said practice is prohibited by the DMA.
  3.  Data Portability and Interoperability: The DMA introduces measures to ensure that users can easily switch between different services and platforms, promoting competition and innovation, such as Firefox and Google or Opera GX interchanging users.
  4.  Cyber Security Requirements: Gatekeepers are required to implement appropriate measures to ensure the security and integrity of their systems and data, including measures to prevent cyber security incidents.

How Businesses Can Prepare for Compliance

  1. Review Current Practices: Businesses should conduct a thorough review of their current practices to identify any areas that may need to be adjusted to comply with the DMA, since it is the intermediary services that are now in the lime light some drastic changes may need to be made.
  2.  Implement Necessary Changes: Based on the review, businesses should implement any necessary changes to ensure compliance with the DMA’s requirements, particularly in terms of data protection and cyber security ensuring that their platforms are safe for their users.
  3.  Stay Informed: The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, so it’s important for businesses to stay informed about any updates or changes to the DMA that may impact their operations; as impacting said operations can lead to a 6% revenue fee.

The EU Digital Markets Act represents a significant step towards creating a more transparent, competitive, and innovative digital market in the EU. By understanding the key changes introduced by the DMA and taking proactive steps to comply, businesses can navigate this new regulatory landscape with confidence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business prepare for compliance with the EU Digital Markets Act with cyber security.